Thursday, November 15, 2007

Running C# and VB.Net Code on Microsoft SQL Server - Slides code and database

Thanks for coming to the November PSSUG Meeting at Microsoft.
All and all it went pretty well with a couple of Visual Studio crashes, SQL server acting funky but that comes with the territory.
As promised the code is available by clicking below:
Code, database and slides from Running C# and VB.Net Code on Microsoft SQL Server talk
I had to remove the ANTLR part of the demo since there are IP issues involved.
To get this running extract the zip file to drive c:\
it will create a folder c:\SQL_CLR
Attach the database in c:\SQL_CLR\db to sql server
You can look at a word document in c:\SQL_CLR\powerpoint\ for instructions to run the demo.
The slides are in c:\SQL_CLR\powerpoint\ also.
To run the solution open:
Good luck and let me know if you have any questions!

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